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Wisconsin Dental Insurance Experts Reveal Surprising Facts about Childhood Cavities on the Rise

Proper Dental Health Practices Preventing Tooth Decay in Children

Tooth decay in children is hitting epidemic levels according to new research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC says for children 2 to 11, 42% have had cavities in their baby teeth. For children ages 2 to 5, the prevalence of cavities has increased to 28%, which is an increase from 24% in 1988 to 1994.

Getting cavities at a young age is a major concern. Cavities in young children can form very quickly. As soon as a tooth emerges, there is the potential for a cavity. Parents often do not bring their children in for their first dental appointment until after the age of two. However, given the epidemic rise in childhood cavities, dentists are recommending you bring your children in after the eruption of your child’s first tooth.

Having a Good Wisconsin Dental Insurance Plan Can Help Prevent Cavities

Having a good Wisconsin dental insurance plan is vital to preventing tooth decay in children. Childhood cavities in baby teeth can lead to a number of complications. Untreated tooth decay can spread and lead to more dangerous medical problems. Recently, a 12 year old boy from Maryland died tragically because the bacteria from an untreated abscessed tooth, spread to his brain. You may think such cases are extremely rare and there is nothing to worry about. However, a new study suggests, the number of deaths from preventable tooth decay infections may not be as uncommon as we thought. The number of children hospitalized from infected teeth in America is on the rise.

Recent studies have shown dental problems account for hundreds of thousands of emergency room visits every year. These emergency room visits have primarily been from infection in the tip of the tooth’s root, called a periapical abscess. If this infection spreads it can be dangerous.

Normally, baby teeth with cavities are treated with dental fillings. Baby teeth fill in particular places in the mouth, guiding the way for adult teeth to emerge. When tooth decay is extensive, it can lead to extraction. Extraction is problematic because adult teeth will grow in crooked and in the wrong places. This of course will lead to future dental problems requiring the aligning and straightening the teeth. Restructuring teeth placement can often be a long and expensive process. This is why it is imperative to have a good individual or group dental insurance plan in Wisconsin. Unresolved tooth issues will almost always cause more serious problems down the road. It’s important to catch dental health issues early and seek treatment.

Tips for Good Dental Health in Children

1 – Acquire good dental insurance. One of the most common reasons parents don’t take their children to the dentist early and often, is the cost. With a good family Wisconsin dental health plan, you will be more likely to take your children to the dentist. Start taking your child to see a Madison dental health practitioner after their first tooth has emerged.

2 – Brush teeth well and often. Parents must teach their children good dental hygiene at an early age, this include brushing and flossing regularly. Preschoolers do not have the dexterity to clean their teeth well, help must be given until they reach age 7. While helping them, you are teaching good habits they will use the rest of their lives.

3 – Diet plays a role in tooth decay. Many dental health practitioners recommend eating less processed foods. Additionally a well-balanced wholesome diet should help in preventing tooth decay. Many diseases and conditions are associated with tooth decay, including but are not limited to: heart disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, high cholesterol, insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression. This may suggest, the overall health of an individual plays a role in dental health.

Contact our Wisconsin dental insurance experts today to find a plan right for you and your family.
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