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Dental & Oral

Hygiene Tips

Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthy Smile

Madison Dental Insurance Experts Provide Healthy Tips

Dental Hygiene Tips for Families & Individuals

Momentum Dental Plans cares about the dental health of our Madison, Wisconsin area neighbors and friends. We have provided helpful information on proper dental care and overall wellness to keep you on the track to great dental health. Stay happy and healthy with dental tips and affordable insurance plans from Momentum.

Momentum Insurance provides affordable oral health care plans to families, businesses, and individuals. Our individual dental insurance plans and group coverage provide access to a large network of dental care providers. To find a dentist or a dental clinic that accepts Momentum Insurance, start with the below search. 

If your dental needs are minimal — you typically only need to visit the dentist for two teeth cleanings a year — and you’re looking for a cost-effective dental insurance plan, Momentum’s Gold Plan is the package for you!

Our Platinum Plan provides the highest level of coverage offered by Momentum. Members under this plan receive full coverage with no deductible on preventive services and no waiting period on bi-annual dental check-ups.

Keep Teeth & Gums Healthy Between Dental Check-Ups

Healthy teeth and gums are an important part of overall wellness. Regular dental check-ups not only keep your smile looking its best, they can also help detect early warning signs of certain health issues. The best way to prevent serious dental problems is with quality preventive care.

In addition to regular dental check-ups, there are four basic steps to caring for teeth and gums:

Wisconsin Dental Insurance Based in Madison, WI

Healthy Teeth Start from Within

Eating Well

Eating a variety of nutritional foods is not only better for your body, but for your teeth too. Cutting down on foods that contain sugars and starches can be very beneficial to your dental health.

Because most people don’t brush after snacks, sugary snack foods and snacks like potato chips can lead to tooth decay. Even raisins and dried fruits can lead to decay due to high sugar content. Hard candy is especially bad for teeth because it is in your mouth for a long time.

Brushing Your Teeth

While you may understand the importance of brushing your teeth, proper techniques are key to maintaining your smile. Keep your teeth and gums healthy and cavity-free by following the recommendations below.

Duration & Frequency

Individuals should brush at least twice a day, or after every meal, if possible. This removes harmful plaque that sticks to your teeth. When plaque comes into contact with food, acids are produced, leading to cavities and other dental problems.

Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating foods high in sugar or acidity. First, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating those foods. Then wait at least thirty minutes before brushing. This will keep the acids and sugars from acting like a fine sandpaper, wearing down your enamel.

Brushing should take at least two minutes each time. Many of our patients find it helpful to use a timer to track how long they’ve brushed. If you have children who like to speed through their brushing, try finding a fun song or short educational video to keep them engaged.

Techniques & Toothbrush Type

Always brush your teeth in gentle circles, and rotate your toothbrush against your teeth a 45° angle. This helps remove plaque that has built up between teeth and along the gum line. Avoid brushing in a sawing motion, and make sure you’re not applying too much pressure. This preserves the integrity of the gums by reducing entry points for harmful bacteria and minimizing gum recession that leads to temperature sensitivity.

If you can, opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush. With proper technique, soft-bristled brushes are just as effective as medium- and hard-bristled brushes at removing plaque, and help keep your gums healthier too. If you feel like the bristles are too soft, try finding one with angled or multi-layered bristles. This will help you access those hard-to-reach spots without compromising gum health.

Toothpaste Choice Affects Mouth Health

Brushing your teeth with specially formulated toothpaste designed to reduce tooth sensitivity can actually increase tooth sensitivity over time. It creates a dependency on the sensitivity dulling chemicals found in the toothpaste, and the body stops taking its own measures to reduce sensitivity.

Using whitening toothpaste when you brush your teeth will not provide permanent results. Your teeth will remain a beautiful pearly white for a short while after you stop using your whitening toothpaste, but will return to a darker shade soon thereafter. Whitening toothpastes can also increase your tooth sensitivity.

Flossing Your Teeth & Gums

Floss your teeth once a day. Flossing gets between the teeth where your toothbrush doesn’t reach. To begin, remove about an 18-inch strip of floss from the dispenser.


Antibacterial rinses reduce bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque and gum disease, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Fluoride mouth rinses can help reduce tooth decay. The ADA does not recommend fluoride mouth rinses for children under age the age of six because they could swallow it.

Good Habits for a Lifetime of Healthy Teeth

Maintaining Your Smile

Wisconsin Dental Coverage from Momentum

Individual Platinum Insurance Plan

Practicing exceptional dental hygiene matters. By taking proper care of your teeth between visits, you can reduce your chances of needing dental care beyond the normal bi-annual checkup. Our Individual Platinum insurance plan covers 100% of your routine check-ups. The Platinum plan also covers a portion of crowns and other types of dental care whose cause can often be traced back to poor dental hygiene habits. The need for restorative care can often be prevented through appropriate dental hygiene maintenance by the individual in their home. Following the tips we’ve provided is easy to do and will save you money, while keeping you and your teeth healthy. 

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