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Dental Insurance

for Pregnant Women

Receive Superior Coverage During Your Pregnancy

Wisconsin Dental Insurance Plans

Dental Coverage for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy can affect oral health dramatically. Regular dentist check-ups and a good brushing routine are just as important for expecting mothers as a healthy diet and visits to the obstetrician.

Momentum Insurance provides affordable oral health care plans to families, businesses, and individuals. Our individual dental insurance plans and group coverage provide access to a large network of dental care providers. To find a dentist or a dental clinic that accepts Momentum Insurance, start with the below search. 

If your dental needs are minimal — you typically only need to visit the dentist for two teeth cleanings a year — and you’re looking for a cost-effective dental insurance plan, Momentum’s Gold Plan is the package for you!

Our Platinum Plan provides the highest level of coverage offered by Momentum. Members under this plan receive full coverage with no deductible on preventive services and no waiting period on bi-annual dental check-ups.

Individual Dental Coverage

Momentum Insurance plans provide high-quality dental care for pregnant women. We completely cover bi-annual checkups with some of Wisconsin’s top-notch dentists. Learn more about our individual dental insurance plans and get dental insurance that covers everything you need at a price you can afford.

“Individual plan” doesn’t mean it’s only for one person; it just means your insurance isn’t through an employer. Whether you need individual insurance for just yourself, or for a spouse and children as well, Momentum has you covered. Learn more about our individual dental insurance plans and get dental insurance that covers everything you need at a price you can afford.

Protect Plan for Madison Residents

Momentum partners with the Dental Health Associates of Madison to offer our special discount Protect Plan for Madison-area residents. Find a Dental Health Associates of Madison provider near you and get Madison’s finest dentistry at an affordable price.

Taking Care of Your Oral Health Throughout Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy cravings for sweets can, obviously, impact dental health. However, pregnancy also causes hormonal changes that affect the gums. This can increase women’s risk for painful gingivitis, which can lead to a more serious gum infection called periodontitis. Periodontitis can spread to bones and ligaments in the mouth, and a study by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists even linked periodontitis with lower birth weights in pregnant women.

Over 40% of pregnant women in the United States experience some form of periodontal disease or inflammation. Having high-quality dental care is one of the most important steps to take when expecting.

Affordable Rates for Any Budget

Why Choose Momentum?

Momentum dentists can be found across Wisconsin. Family practitioners, specialized endodontists and periodontists accept Momentum. Our team of premiere dentists provide comprehensive oral health care. Search our network to see if your dentist accepts Momentum or to find a Momentum dentist near you.

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