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      Broken Tooth? Here are Your Options

      Every year, thousands of people in the U.S. suffer a dental emergency where they seriously damage or lose a tooth. Ow! A broken tooth can be painful, but try not to worry: with prompt attention from an expert dentist, it’s often possible to rescue teeth.

      What Procedures Can Help With a Broken Tooth?

      The procedures needed depend on how severe the damage is. In the best-case scenario, only the tooth’s surface is damaged, so a filling may be the only thing needed. If the tooth is more seriously damaged, a crown or bridge may be required to hold it together. When the root and nerve are damaged, a complete dental implant may be necessary.

      How Soon Should I See a Dentist?

      As soon as you can!

      If you have had a tooth knocked out, seeing a dentist immediately is the best course of action. When treatment is available within two hours of the accident, full recovery is much more likely. If a tooth is seriously damaged but still rooted, you should still attempt to see a dentist within 48 hours, because normal activities could worsen the situation.  If a tooth has been completely knocked out, store it in a cup of milk after rinsing off any dirt.

      How Much Does Broken Tooth Repair Cost?

      The more extensively a tooth is damaged, the more it will cost to fix. Although expenses vary and need to be discussed with your provider, this information may help:

      • Fillings: costs vary greatly depending on which tooth, find out the material being used for the filling and the size of the filling
      • Crowns and Bridges: costs can vary depending on the type of material from which the crown is made. Bridge costs depend on how many teeth are involved.
      • Root Canal: costs vary depending on which tooth is involved.
      • Extraction and Dental Implant: costs vary depending on the difficulty of the extraction. Dental implants are multi-step procedures so make sure you understand the total cost of the implant before starting the process.

      Need Insurance for Chipped Tooth Repair or Broken Tooth Repair in Madison, WI?

      A broken tooth can be painful and even traumatic. By acting fast, you can get a better outcome.

      Momentum Insurance Plans

      To protect your dental health with better emergency and preventive care, consider a dental health insurance plan by Momentum. With Momentum Insurance Plans, you can seek great care with true peace of mind.

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